The End of Central Banks? Lyn Alden Reveals the Secret to Getting Countries to Adopt Bitcoin as a National Currency

In a recent interview with investor Scott Melker, renowned economist and Bitcoin advocate Lyn Alden shared her views on how countries can begin to integrate the standard. Bitcoin in their financial systems. This approach, according to Alden, could pave the way for digital currency to replace central banks in the not-so-distant future, especially in a context where US debt has reached an all-time high of $35 trillion.

A Progressive Transition to Bitcoin

Alden suggests that governments interested in adopting the Bitcoin standard, a concept popularised by economist Saifedean Ammous in 2018, could start by incorporating small amounts of Bitcoin (BTC) into their national reserves. This first step would allow countries to familiarise themselves with the cryptocurrency and begin building a decentralised financial infrastructure that, in the long run, could serve as an alternative to traditional fiat currencies and central banks.

Creating an Enabling Environment for Bitcoin

In addition to integrating Bitcoin into national reserves, Alden advocates the creation of favourable policies that encourage the use of BTC in the everyday economy. This could include eliminating taxes on small transactions made with the cryptocurrency, thus facilitating its acceptance as a medium of exchange or even as legal tender.

Challenges and Opportunities for the Bitcoin Standard

While Alden acknowledges that global adoption of Bitcoin as a universal reserve asset is still a distant goal, he stresses the importance of moving forward gradually. According to the analyst, as the cryptocurrency market expands and more technological infrastructure is developed around Bitcoin, the chances of Bitcoin replacing central banks will increase significantly.

The US Debt Crisis as a Catalyst

Rising US debt and its financial implications are accelerating interest in Bitcoin at both the institutional and governmental levels. Alden notes that, amid the country's fiscal difficulties, assets such as Bitcoin are gaining ground because of their liquidity and the confidence they generate in the face of the eroding value of the dollar.

Growing Support among Influential Figures

Lyn Alden is not alone in seeing the US debt crisis as a driver for Bitcoin adoption. Other influencers such as Jack Mallers, Ray Dalio and Mike Novogratz have also pointed out that concerns about inflation and loss of confidence in the dollar are leading more people to consider Bitcoin as a viable alternative.

In a further twist, presidential candidate and long-time Bitcoin critic Donald Trump has recently voiced his support for the cryptocurrency, promising that, if he becomes president, he will include Bitcoin in the country's reserves. Should this come to fruition, the United States could follow in El Salvador's footsteps and become one of the first major countries to adopt the Bitcoin standard, which could trigger a domino effect in other nations.


As global economies face increasing challenges, Lyn Alden's proposal offers an innovative path for countries seeking decentralised and apolitical alternatives to traditional financial systems. With a gradual approach and supportive policies, the Bitcoin standard could become a reality for more nations in the near future.

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