Hello Miners!

We bring you back a raffle so that you can start your investments at 0 cost, thanks to the Binance gift card of 100€!!!!. Amazing prize, isn't it?

All you have to do is the following:

  • Follow @minandovoycom on Instagram.
  • Mention two friends (the more times you mention, the more opportunities you will have, remember that it is not always worth mentioning the same profiles).
  • Share the post on your Instagram stories by mentioning @minandovoycom.

We will publish the winner on our Instagram @minandovoycom and on our website, on the blog, on March 28 at 12:00 p.m. (Spanish time).

The winner should contact the following email: [email protected]

🍀🍀Best of luck Miners! 🍀🍀


MinandoVoy Contest Terms and Conditions. 

Identification of the organizer HREF DIGITAL S.L. with C.I.F. B70533013 and domiciled in Calle Plaza de la Iglesia, Fene (A Coruña) 15500, through the EasyPromos platform will carry out a contest called SORTEOS.MINANDOVOY.COM. 

Who can participate? All users of social networks who meet the requirements set out in the publication and website of MinandoVoy.com, of legal age, may participate. 

Description and mechanics of the promotion In order to participate in the promotion, interested users must access the social networks enabled by Minandovoy.com To participate, users must complete the following steps: 

Follow @minandovoycom on Instagram.
Mention two friends (the more times you mention, the more opportunities you will have, remember that it is not always worth mentioning the same profiles).

Share the post on your Instagram stories by mentioning @minandovoycom.

The winner will be announced on March 28 on Instagram and on the website. The winner should contact the email: [email protected]

Prizes and taxation In this raffle a machine specially designed for cryptocurrency mining will be raffled.

HREF DIGITAL S.L., organizer of this contest will make public the winners through the website, within a maximum period of 1 month from the end of the corresponding draw in order to communicate to all participants who has won the prize and give them the instructions to redeem it. 

Within 72 hours from the day following the day of the communication from HREF DIGITAL S.L., each of the winners must respond by e-mail to HREF DIGITAL S.L. confirming their prize, to the e-mail [email protected]

In the event that any of the winners do not respond within the time period indicated to accept the prize, do not comply with all or any of the rules of this Contest, or are unwilling or unable to enjoy the prize, the winner will be disqualified. 

The prize is not redeemable for cash or any other prize. 

The following shall be applicable to the prizes of this raffle: Law 35/2006, of November 28, on Personal Income Tax and partially modifying the Laws of the Spanish Income Tax Act (Ley 35/2006, de 28 de noviembre, del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas y por la que se modifican parcialmente las Leyes de 

The following are applicable to HREF DIGITAL S. L.: the Corporate Income Tax, Non-Resident Income Tax and Wealth Tax; Royal Decree 439/2007, of March 30, which approves the Personal Income Tax Regulations; and other concordant provisions issued in its development, whereby, if applicable, HREF DIGITAL S. L. shall be responsible for the payment on account or withholding of the appropriate Personal Income Tax (hereinafter I.R.P.F.).L. shall be responsible for the payment on account or the practice of the appropriate withholding of the Personal Income Tax (hereinafter I.R.P.F.). 

In accordance with the aforementioned regulations, participants are informed that the prizes awarded for participation in games, contests, raffles or random combinations linked to the sale or promotion of goods or services are subject to withholding or payment on account of personal income tax provided that the value of the prize is greater than 300 euros. In relation to the above and in compliance with current tax regulations, HREF DIGITAL S.L. will be responsible for the corresponding withholdings or payments on account on the prizes awarded, and in due course will issue the appropriate certification to facilitate the participant to comply with their tax obligations by having to incorporate in their income tax return the performance consisting of the prize received, along with the rest of the income received, and whose total quota may be deducted as already entered the amount stated in the aforementioned certification of payment on account. The completion of the personal and fiscal data of the winners necessary for the delivery of the prizes is mandatory, so that the absence of any of these data will result in the loss of the right obtained. 

Winners The winners of the contests will be determined by objective data analysis performed by HREF DIGITAL S.L. At the end of the draw, the EASY PROMOS app will be responsible for certifying who has followed the steps and therefore, who is the winner of the contest. Those who have not participated according to the established rules will be disqualified. The winners will be informed through the website. For all contests a specific number of winners will be designated, depending on the prizes. If the winner renounces the prize or has not complied with the requirements of these rules, HREF DIGITAL S.L. may decide whether to draw again or declare it void. In case of 

If the winner belongs to an area whose tax regime is different, the payment of the corresponding customs tax will be the obligation of the winner. The winners accept that their name or identification data in the action and, where appropriate, their image, be published in the media that HREF DIGITAL S.L.. deems appropriate, in order to publicize the identity of the winners and the delivery of the prize. 

Warning of the destination of the data collected Participants authorize that their personal data provided are incorporated into a file whose responsible is HREF DIGITAL S.1, which will use them to manage this promotional contest, to contact the winners and deliver the prize and send them subsequent communications from HREF DIGITAL S.L.,. These data will be treated confidentially and in accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and its implementing regulations. 

Participants guarantee and are responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, validity and authenticity of their personal information. 

The owner of the data may exercise their rights of access, rectification and cancellation by writing to the following address: Calle Plaza de la Iglesia 9 Entresuelo C, Ferrol (La Coruña) indicating on the envelope "Ref. Data Protection". 

HREF DIGITAL S.L., reserves the right to adopt any measures that may be appropriate to prevent any conduct that HREF DIGITAL S.L., suspects to have the purpose or effect of any attempt to act in fraud of this promotion or in breach of its rules or to the detriment of other participants, whose first and immediate consequence will be the exclusion of the participant and the loss of any right to the prize that may have been obtained. 

HREF DIGITAL S.L., reserves the right to download and exclude from the contest/sweepstakes any answer sent by users when deemed appropriate. 

HREF DIGITAL S.L. reserves the right to suspend the draw due to force majeure or unforeseen circumstances. 

Limitation of liability. HREF DIGITAL S.L., is not responsible for interruptions or failures on the Internet, on the contest page, the cable network, electronic communications networks, software or hardware failures or for possible errors in the entry and/or processing of answers, submissions or personal data. In the event of such problems or incidents, HREF DIGITAL S.L. will do everything in its power to correct them as soon as possible, but cannot assume any responsibility in this regard. 

HREF DIGITAL S.L., excludes any liability for damages of any kind that, despite the security measures adopted, may be due to the improper use of the services and content by users, and in particular, but not exclusively, for damages that may be due to the impersonation of a third party by a user. 

Other rules of the promotion. The simple participation in this contest implies the acceptance of these Rules in their entirety and the interpretative criterion of HREF DIGITAL S.L., regarding the resolution of any issue arising from this contest, so that the manifestation, in the sense of the same, will imply the exclusion of the participant and, as a result thereof, HREF DIGITAL S.L., will be released from the fulfillment of any obligation contracted with him/her. The response time once the confirmation as winner of the draw is received is a maximum of 10 days. 

HREF DIGITAL S.L. reserves the right to introduce changes in the mechanics or operation of this Promotion at any time and/or terminate it early if necessary for just cause, without any liability whatsoever. However, these changes will be duly communicated through the contest page and, where appropriate, other means. HREF DIGITAL S.L., will do everything possible to prevent any change to the detriment of some participants with respect to others. 

By participating in this promotion you acknowledge and agree that the intellectual property rights over the materials of this promotion belong to HREF DIGITAL S.L. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution or transformation of any advertising or promotional materials constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of the owner. 

The following are not eligible to participate in this promotion: Shareholders, directors and employees of HREF DIGITAL S.L. Persons who are spouses, children, parents, and other persons living at the expense of the persons indicated in the previous letter. Any person who, in any capacity, has participated in the preparation of this promotion. 

Interpretation of the rules and resolution of conflicts The interpretation and breach of these Rules shall be governed by Spanish law. Any controversy resulting from the interpretation or fulfillment of these rules shall be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Ferrol (Spain). 

PRIVACY POLICY In compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) No 2016/679, we wish to inform the user (contest participant) of the following aspects in accordance with the processing of their data: - Responsible for the treatment: the personal data that could be collected directly from the interested party (user) will be treated confidentially and will be incorporated into the corresponding processing activity owned by HREF DIGITAL S.L, and the recipients determined in the corresponding point. Purpose: The purpose of the processing (use) of the data corresponds, in general (1) to the provision and administration of contracted or requested service or, in particular, (2) to events (sweepstakes and promotions) registered, (3) as well as the realization of statistics and (4) the remission of advertising and commercial communications, including electronic means (email). - Legitimation: The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the consent given by the user through the functionalities established on website, in the registration procedure and/or the sending 

of the form for the subscription of the service or the participation in an event. - Data retention: The personal data provided will be retained for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they are collected and to determine any possible liabilities that may arise from the purpose or relationship established between the parties, in addition to the periods established in the archiving and documentation regulations. Recipients of the data: HREF DIGITAL SL In this regard, in order that you have more accurate information, determine that the data are collected under procedures established by HREF DIGITAL (through its website) but then be incorporated into the processing system of the referenced companies in their capacity as promoters of this event (sweepstakes or promotion). The treatment that is made subsequently by each of the responsible parties will be in a differentiated manner, each of the companies being responsible for the treatment that is carried out at each moment in their environment ... . Communication of data: The data will not be transferred to third parties other than those established in the previous point. Thus, the user expressly consents that their data are incorporated into the processing system of the "recipients" for purposes arising from the event object of registration and those advertising and commercial of any kind, including electronically. - Rights of data subjects: You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability of your data, as well as not to be subject to decisions based solely on the automated processing of your data, where appropriate, to HREF DIGITAL S.L, C/Plaza de la Iglesia 9 entr.C. 15500 - (Fene) - A Coruña; or at the email address [email protected] - International data transfers: We store your personal data in those data processors that comply with the provisions of the GDPR, as they are located in the European Economic Area, in States and territories that guarantee a level of protection adequate to the GDPR, or in entities adhered to the U.S. Privacy Shield.