Mastercard Expands Support for Uncustodied Cryptocurrency Holders: Partners with Mercuryo to Launch Cryptocurrency Debit Card

Mastercard, one of the global payments giants, continues its expansion into the world of cryptocurrencies with an ambitious new project. The company has announced a strategic partnership with Mercuryo, a leading crypto payments platform, to launch a cryptocurrency debit card. This new product is designed to facilitate cryptocurrency transactions through non-custodian cryptocurrency wallets, giving users greater freedom and control over their digital assets.

The debit card will allow users to convert cryptocurrencies to fiat currency and spend anywhere Mastercard is accepted, making the everyday use of cryptocurrencies more accessible than ever. This collaboration also highlights Mastercard's growing interest in integrating blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies into its global infrastructure, providing solutions that combine traditional finance with the emerging crypto ecosystem.

Cryptocurrencies and Security: Uncustodied Cryptocurrencies Under the Radar

One of the most prominent features of this initiative is the focus on non-custodian cryptocurrencies. These wallets allow users to have full control over their private keys, without the intervention of an intermediary or custodian, providing greater security and autonomy. By expanding its support for these wallets, Mastercard is responding to a growing demand from users who want more independence and privacy in the management of their cryptocurrencies.

Mastercard and Mercuryo: A Strategic Alliance for Crypto Expansion

The partnership with Mercuryo positions Mastercard as one of the pioneers in driving the everyday use of cryptocurrencies. Mercuryo, known for its innovative approach to crypto payment solutions, provides the technology and infrastructure needed to ensure that the transition between digital and traditional currencies is seamless and efficient. Together, Mastercard and Mercuryo are creating a simple, secure and accessible user experience for the millions of people who are adopting cryptocurrencies as part of their financial lives.

Boosting Global Adoption of Cryptocurrencies

This move not only underscores Mastercard's commitment to innovation in the crypto sector, but is also an important step towards the global adoption of cryptocurrencies. The new debit card has the potential to bring more users into the crypto ecosystem, removing the complexity that often accompanies converting and spending cryptocurrencies in everyday life.


The partnership between Mastercard and Mercuryo to launch a cryptocurrency debit card marks another milestone in the advancement of digital finance. With Mastercard's backing, non-custodian cryptocurrencies gain greater acceptance and usability, giving users the ability to use their cryptocurrencies on a day-to-day basis in a more integrated and efficient way. This move reinforces the trend of cryptocurrencies towards mass adoption and positions Mastercard as a leader in the evolution of the global financial sector.

Stay tuned to Minandovoy and stay tuned for more news.

New Zealand adopts OECD cryptocurrency reporting framework in new tax bill

In a significant move towards cryptocurrency regulation and transparency, New Zealand has announced the incorporation of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) cryptoasset reporting framework into its new tax bill. This decision positions the country as one of the pioneers in the implementation of international regulations for the oversight of digital assets.

The OECD framework, known as CARF (Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework), is designed to ensure that cryptocurrency transactions and holdings are properly reported to tax authorities. This system aims to reduce the potential for tax evasion and promote greater transparency in a sector that, until now, has been largely unregulated.

The New Zealand government has stressed the importance of adopting these international regulations to maintain the integrity of its tax system and prevent the country from becoming a haven for illicit activities related to cryptoassets. In addition, the implementation of the CARF is expected to facilitate international tax cooperation and the exchange of information between authorities in different countries.

This new tax bill also includes measures to improve oversight of cryptocurrency exchange platforms, ensuring that they comply with reporting standards set by the OECD. New Zealand tax authorities will be able to request detailed information on cryptocurrency transactions and holdings from New Zealand residents, as well as from foreign platforms operating in New Zealand.

With the implementation of these measures, New Zealand joins a select group of countries that are rapidly adopting regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrencies, which could set a precedent for other nations looking to strengthen their fiscal policies in the face of the growing popularity of digital assets.

The new tax bill is currently being debated in Parliament, and is expected to come into force from next year, following final approval. The cryptocurrency community in New Zealand, while expressing some concerns about the additional administrative burden, recognises the need for clear regulation that promotes stability and confidence in the market.

This development marks an important milestone in the evolution of cryptocurrency regulation globally, and could influence how other countries approach the oversight of digital assets in the near future.

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El Salvador's Bitcoin City: A Step Towards a Financial Future

In the heart of Central America, El Salvador has captured the world's attention by being the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. But this small country is not stopping there; it is taking its commitment to cryptocurrency to another level with the creation of Bitcoin City, an ambitious project that promises to revolutionise the economy and technology in the region.

What is Bitcoin City?

Bitcoin City is a visionary project announced by the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, in November 2021. The city is being built at the base of the Conchagua volcano on the east coast of the country and is designed to be a global technology and financial hub. Powered by geothermal energy, Bitcoin City aims to be a self-sustainable community, where Bitcoin is not only used as a currency, but is the cornerstone of economic and social development.

A Futuristic and Sustainable Design

Bitcoin City is planned with a futuristic urban design, inspired by the shape of a coin, symbolising the revolutionary nature of the project. According to the government's projections, the city will feature residential, commercial and recreational areas, as well as schools, hospitals and other public services necessary for a modern community.

What makes Bitcoin City unique is its focus on sustainability. Being located near an active volcano, the city will harness geothermal energy to power its infrastructure, including Bitcoin mining farms. This initiative not only seeks to make Bitcoin a green currency, but also aims to make El Salvador a leader in renewable energy and clean technologies.

Fiscal Incentives and Investment Attraction

One of the most significant attractions of Bitcoin City is its proposed tax incentives. Residents and businesses in the city will not be subject to income, property or capital gains taxes, making it a very attractive destination for investors and entrepreneurs from around the world. Only a small value added tax (VAT) will be levied to finance the development of the city and its maintenance.

This pro-entrepreneurial approach is part of El Salvador's strategy to attract foreign investment and foster economic growth through the adoption of cryptocurrencies. With Bitcoin City, El Salvador seeks to position itself as a pioneer in the digital economy and a point of reference for other countries considering following a similar path.

Challenges and Opportunities

Although Bitcoin City is a bold and exciting project, it also faces several challenges. The volatility of the cryptocurrency market is one of the main risks, as fluctuations in the value of Bitcoin could impact the economic stability of the project. In addition, there are concerns about the country's capacity to handle a project of this magnitude, both in terms of infrastructure and governance.

However, the opportunities it offers are enormous. If successful, Bitcoin City could transform El Salvador into a global hub for technological and financial innovation. Moreover, it could serve as a model for other developing nations looking to use blockchain technology to drive their economic growth.


El Salvador Bitcoin City is more than just an economic experiment; it is a bold statement from a small but brave country that is willing to lead change in the global economy. While the risks are significant, the potential for innovation and progress that this project represents cannot be underestimated. As El Salvador moves forward in building this visionary city, the world will be watching closely, waiting to see if this dream becomes a transformative reality.

Don't miss the latest news from the crypto world at Minandovoy.

Generation Z and Millennials: The Pioneers of Cryptocurrency Investment.

Generation Z and Millennials are two groups that, despite their generational differences, share a growing interest in cryptocurrencies. While Generation X and Baby Boomers tend to be more cautious with traditional investments such as stocks and real estate, today's young adults are embracing the digital world with enthusiasm.

Why are these generations so interested in cryptocurrencies?

  1. Native Technology: Both Millennials and Generation Z have grown up surrounded by technology. For them, the use of digital platforms is natural and they are more willing to adopt new technologies such as cryptocurrencies.
  2. Distrust of traditional institutions: After experiencing global economic crises and seeing the limitations of the traditional financial system, many young people are looking for more decentralised and user-controlled alternatives.
  3. Opportunity for growth: Cryptocurrencies represent a high-risk, high-reward opportunity. While volatile, they have also shown exponential growth potential that is attractive to those willing to take risks.
  4. Accessibility: Unlike traditional investments, cryptocurrencies are available to anyone with an internet connection and a smartphone. They do not require large amounts of capital to get started, making them accessible to a younger audience.

In conclusion, Generation Z and Millennials are leading the way in cryptocurrency adoption. Their familiarity with technology, desire to find alternatives to traditional institutions and the accessibility of cryptocurrencies make them the generations most willing to explore and invest in this new digital world.

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Colombia: Joining Forces to Define the Legal Framework for Cryptocurrencies

At a crucial moment for the crypto ecosystem, Colombia is taking significant steps towards the regulation of cryptocurrencies. Recently, it was announced that several banks and regulators in the country are joining forces to work on the creation of a legal framework to regulate the use and operation of cryptocurrencies in the country. This initiative seeks to provide clarity and security to both users and financial institutions.

The Context of Crypto Regulation in Colombia

Over the last few years, the rise of cryptocurrencies has captured the attention of Colombians, becoming an interesting alternative for investment and transactions. However, the lack of a clear regulatory framework had generated uncertainty and risks for both investors and financial institutions. Against this backdrop, the government and regulators have understood the need to establish guidelines that favour a safe and regulated environment.

Collaboration between banks and regulators

The coming together of banks and regulatory institutions marks a milestone on the road to creating a sound legal framework. This joint effort includes entities such as the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia (SFC), the Banco de la República and several major banking institutions. The aim is to develop regulations that not only regulate transactions and the use of cryptocurrencies, but also promote innovation in the financial sector.

Objectives of the New Legal Framework

The new legal framework that is in the making has several key objectives:

  1. Consumer ProtectionEnsure that cryptocurrency users are protected against fraud and scams by establishing accountability mechanisms for cryptocurrency platforms.
  2. Money Laundering PreventionImplement measures to track and regulate cryptocurrency transactions, helping to prevent illegal activities related to money laundering and terrorist financing.
  3. Promoting InnovationTo create an environment that favours the development of innovative financial solutions based on blockchain and cryptocurrencies, enabling Colombia to position itself as a benchmark in the adoption of financial technology.
  4. Regulatory ClarityEstablish a clear framework to enable businesses and citizens to understand their rights and obligations in relation to the use of cryptocurrencies.

An Opportunity for the Future

This joint effort is not only vital for the security of the crypto ecosystem in Colombia, but also represents an opportunity for economic growth and financial inclusion. With proper regulation, it is likely that more Colombians will be attracted to the use of cryptocurrencies, which could result in increased investment and innovation in the country.

As these efforts develop, it is important that both market players and citizens maintain an active dialogue with regulators. The participation of the crypto community in this process will be essential to ensure that the legal framework is not only effective, but also aligns with the needs and expectations of users.


Colombia is on a path that promises to take the country into a new era of interaction with cryptocurrencies. The coming together of banks and regulators is a positive sign that the country is ready to face the challenges and opportunities presented by cryptocurrencies. As regulations are defined, staying informed and participating in the dialogue will be key for all stakeholders in this emerging space.

Stay tuned for our next publications at Minandovoy to follow the development of this important initiative!

Win a free Nerdminer V2! Participate in Minandovoy's exclusive raffle on Instagram! Follow us @minandovoycom.

We are excited to announce our Instagram giveaway, where one of our followers will have the chance to take home an NerdMiner V2.0 Pro. This revolutionary device is your gateway to the world of solo Bitcoin mining. 

What is a NerdMiner V2.0 Pro?

The NerdMiner V2.0 Pro is a hardware device developed by BitMakerdesigned especially for the mining enthusiast. Bitcoin in lottery mode. Unlike traditional miners, the NerdMiner allows you to participate in a lottery every 10 minutes, 144 times a day, giving you the chance to win full block rewards. Best of all, once you set it up, the process is completely automatic.

How does it work?

This device is incredibly easy to use. You just need to connect it to your WiFi network and provide the address of your Bitcoin wallet. With its C-type interface, setup is quick and easy. And don't worry about electricity costs; its power consumption is so low it's practically negligible.

With the NerdMiner V2.0 Pro, you will participate in the Bitcoin lottery every 10 minutes, more than 50,000 times a year! Can you imagine being the lucky one to win one of those prizes? The purchase of the device is a one-time purchase, but the lottery is for life.

How to participate in the raffle?

It is very easy to participate. Just follow these steps:

Follow our Instagram account @MinandoVoy.

Like the raffle post.

Tag three friends in the comments who would also be interested in participating.

Share the post on your Instagram story and don't forget to tag us so we can see it or, if your profile is private, send us a screenshot via DM.

The draw will start on Monday 5th August and will run until Monday 12th August. The winner will be announced on our Instagram account on Tuesday 13th August.

Do you dare to try your luck?

This is your chance to become a Bitcoin mining expert. Participate in our giveaway and take your crypto adventure to the next level with NerdMiner V2.0 Pro.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by! Follow us on Instagram, enter the raffle, and get ready to mine and win great prizes.

The End of Central Banks? Lyn Alden Reveals the Secret to Getting Countries to Adopt Bitcoin as a National Currency

In a recent interview with investor Scott Melker, renowned economist and Bitcoin advocate Lyn Alden shared her views on how countries can begin to integrate the standard. Bitcoin in their financial systems. This approach, according to Alden, could pave the way for digital currency to replace central banks in the not-so-distant future, especially in a context where US debt has reached an all-time high of $35 trillion.

A Progressive Transition to Bitcoin

Alden suggests that governments interested in adopting the Bitcoin standard, a concept popularised by economist Saifedean Ammous in 2018, could start by incorporating small amounts of Bitcoin (BTC) into their national reserves. This first step would allow countries to familiarise themselves with the cryptocurrency and begin building a decentralised financial infrastructure that, in the long run, could serve as an alternative to traditional fiat currencies and central banks.

Creating an Enabling Environment for Bitcoin

In addition to integrating Bitcoin into national reserves, Alden advocates the creation of favourable policies that encourage the use of BTC in the everyday economy. This could include eliminating taxes on small transactions made with the cryptocurrency, thus facilitating its acceptance as a medium of exchange or even as legal tender.

Challenges and Opportunities for the Bitcoin Standard

While Alden acknowledges that global adoption of Bitcoin as a universal reserve asset is still a distant goal, he stresses the importance of moving forward gradually. According to the analyst, as the cryptocurrency market expands and more technological infrastructure is developed around Bitcoin, the chances of Bitcoin replacing central banks will increase significantly.

The US Debt Crisis as a Catalyst

Rising US debt and its financial implications are accelerating interest in Bitcoin at both the institutional and governmental levels. Alden notes that, amid the country's fiscal difficulties, assets such as Bitcoin are gaining ground because of their liquidity and the confidence they generate in the face of the eroding value of the dollar.

Growing Support among Influential Figures

Lyn Alden is not alone in seeing the US debt crisis as a driver for Bitcoin adoption. Other influencers such as Jack Mallers, Ray Dalio and Mike Novogratz have also pointed out that concerns about inflation and loss of confidence in the dollar are leading more people to consider Bitcoin as a viable alternative.

In a further twist, presidential candidate and long-time Bitcoin critic Donald Trump has recently voiced his support for the cryptocurrency, promising that, if he becomes president, he will include Bitcoin in the country's reserves. Should this come to fruition, the United States could follow in El Salvador's footsteps and become one of the first major countries to adopt the Bitcoin standard, which could trigger a domino effect in other nations.


As global economies face increasing challenges, Lyn Alden's proposal offers an innovative path for countries seeking decentralised and apolitical alternatives to traditional financial systems. With a gradual approach and supportive policies, the Bitcoin standard could become a reality for more nations in the near future.

Is Kaspa's price predictable? Power Law

In the vast and dynamic universe of cryptocurrencies, Kaspa is emerging as a significant contender. Unlike many alternative currencies, Kaspa has a distinguishing feature: its price follows a power law, similar to Bitcoin. Launched in late 2021, Kaspa shares many similarities with Bitcoin, including its Proof-of-Work mechanism and a fair launch. However, its unique advantage lies in its ability to handle a much higher transaction speed, achieved by using a blockDAG (directed acyclic graph) instead of a traditional blockchain.

The academic paper "Phantom GhostDAG: a scalable generalisation of the Nakamoto Consensus" explores the innovations behind Kaspa. This system allows for a transaction speed limit that will ultimately be approximately three orders of magnitude higher than that of Bitcoin. In essence, Kaspa is an evolution of the Bitcoin model, maintaining the principles of security and decentralisation, but with significant improvements in scalability.

One of the most intriguing features of Kaspa is its price, which follows a power law. Figure 4 of the article shows Kaspa's price with its power-law trend lines on various charts, including linear, log-linear and log-log. This behaviour is remarkably rare in the crypto world, where most altcoins do not exhibit such clear and consistent growth patterns. Based on current trends, Kaspa's price could reach $1 between mid-2026 and late 2027, and $10 between 2034 and 2036. At the time of writing, Kaspa is trading at $0.13, underlining its significant growth potential.

Kaspa is also distinguished by its focus on storage efficiency and traceability. Kaspa's normal nodes keep the transaction history for only three days, although the complete UTXO database is retained. To ensure traceability and proof of fairness, there is a collection of archive nodes that maintain the complete blockDAG and transaction history back to its genesis.

The name "Kaspa" comes from an ancient Aramaic word for silver, reflecting its intended purpose as a medium of exchange, similar to the historical role of silver, rather than in direct competition with Bitcoin as a digital store of value. This positions Kaspa not only as a technical innovation, but also as a practical proposition for everyday use in transactions. 

The Bitcoin Power Law

The concept that Bitcoin's price follows a power law was initially observed by a user under the pseudonym Trololololo. Giovanni Santostasi was the one who actually identified this law, and HCburger helped popularise it, although it never received the attention of other models such as PlanB's famous stock-to-flow. Recently, the power law model has resurfaced on popular YouTube channels such as those of Andrei Jikh and Peter McCormack.

The power law is a mathematical function that maps input (x) values to output (y) values in the form y=x^k, where k is a constant. This formula can be represented in linear, log-linear and log-log graphs, the latter being particularly useful for visualising data that follows a power law. In the case of the Bitcoin price, log-log graphs show that it follows a linear trajectory, indicating that it is following a power law.

The Convergence of Price Trends

A fascinating aspect of the power law applied to Bitcoin is the convergence of its upper and lower trend lines. These trend lines indicate that, in the long term, Bitcoin's price could stabilise as the time approaches when the last Bitcoin will be mined, around the year 2140. This phenomenon suggests a decrease in Bitcoin's volatility as it matures as a financial asset.

Kaspa and Bitcoin: A Comparison of Volatility and Adoption

While Bitcoin has established its place as the leading cryptocurrency, Kaspa is proving to be a viable alternative with its own growth path. Bitcoin's adoption is influenced by its halving cycle, which reduces the mining reward every four years, affecting supply and, consequently, price. Kaspa, on the other hand, reduces its supply more gradually, which could result in lower volatility in the long run.

Bitcoin's price channel width remains wide due to its high volatility, mainly driven by its halving cycle. In comparison, Kaspa shows a narrower price channel width, indicating lower volatility and more stable growth. 


Kaspa and Bitcoin represent two distinct approaches in the world of cryptocurrencies, both following a power law but with different trajectories and characteristics. While Bitcoin remains a digital store of value with high volatility cycles, Kaspa is positioned as a medium of exchange with greater transaction capacity and more predictable growth. As the cryptocurrency market evolves, it will be interesting to observe how these two adoption and growth models influence the future of digital finance.

MinandoVoy Presents its Cutting-Edge Electric Hosting and Exclusive Interviews in Collaboration with Adrian Sáez

In an exciting event that fuses technological innovation with practical experience, MinandoVoy is proud to present its  electric hosting in Dubaialong with a special collaboration with the well-known Youtuber Adrian Sáez.

Our electrical hosting represents the culmination of excellence in cryptocurrency mining in Spain. We offer a complete solution with competitive rates for $0.075 kWh, affordable installation and maintenance, and unrivalled security thanks to our 24/7 alarm and video surveillance system. With a flexible 12-month contract and no additional fees, we provide transparency and reliability to our customers.

So that all of the above does not end up in a void Adrian Sáez will guide us through every part of our farm, highlighting the benefits and features that make it a leading option for cryptocurrency mining in Spain. From installation to energy efficiency and mining profitability.

In addition, our CEO will present a detailed description of the different types of machines that our hosting can host, aimed at all types of investors, from the most novice to the most experienced. On the other hand, one of our most experienced customers in the field will share his medium and long-term impressions on the benefits of electric hosting for mining, offering a unique perspective on this type of investment.

Save the Date!

The video will be launched on 7 May at 19:00 UK time. Join us as we explore the exciting possibilities offered by our electric hosting and discover why it is the number one choice for cryptocurrency miners in Spain.

Get ready for an informative and inspiring experience with MinandoVoy and Adrian Sáez!

Could BTC surpass six figures in the coming months?

In recent days, the markets have observed how the price of oil has been rising. Bitcoin (BTC) reached new all-time highs, surpassing $70,000. However, a closer reading of activity on the blockchain reveals a strikingly different picture.

According to data tracked by Glassnode, the dollar value of average transfers on the Bitcoin blockchain remains significantly below the peak reached in 2021. This discrepancy between the rising price and economic activity on the blockchain partly reflects a strong withholding sentiment in the market, a research firm notes.

Blockware Solutions analysts, in their latest Blockware Intelligence newsletter, note: "Average transfer volume on the blockchain (in dollar terms) is well below the 2021 bull market peak. Hardly any value is moving on the blockchain. No one wants to sell.

Glassnode's metric considers the US dollar value of total BTC transferred on the blockchain, only accounting for successful transfers. At the time of going to press, the average volume of seven- and 14-day transfers was below $200,000, in stark contrast to $1 million and more during the 2021 bull market.

The recent approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs by Wall Street, listed on the Nasdaq, has been pointed to as the main reason behind Bitcoin's latest rally. This has resulted in a concentration of spot volume in ETFs, which also explains the low volume on the blockchain.

However, other indicators suggest that investors who survived the bear market of 2022 are holding on to their bitcoin reserves in anticipation of a continued rise in prices. For example, the percentage of bitcoin supply that was last active three to five years ago continues to rise.

Analysts project that Bitcoin's price could surpass six figures in the coming months, even topping $150,000. Blockware analysts add: "When we see the price really start to move, volume on the blockchain will skyrocket. Older coins will be sold on the exchanges. Until then, low volume on the blockchain is a sign of supply-side illiquidity.