¿El Fin de los Bancos Centrales? Lyn Alden Revela el Secreto para que los Países Adopten Bitcoin como Moneda Nacional

En una reciente entrevista con el inversionista Scott Melker, la reconocida economista y defensora de Bitcoin, Lyn Alden, ha compartido su visión sobre cómo los países pueden comenzar a integrar el estándar Bitcoin en sus sistemas financieros. Este enfoque, según Alden, podría allanar el camino para que la moneda digital reemplace a los bancos centrales en un futuro no tan lejano, especialmente en un contexto en el que la deuda de Estados Unidos ha alcanzado un récord histórico de 35 billones de dólares.

Una Transición Progresiva hacia Bitcoin

Alden sugiere que los gobiernos interesados en adoptar el estándar Bitcoin, un concepto popularizado por el economista Saifedean Ammous en 2018, podrían empezar incorporando pequeñas cantidades de Bitcoin (BTC) en sus reservas nacionales. Este primer paso permitiría a los países familiarizarse con la criptomoneda y comenzar a construir una infraestructura financiera descentralizada que, a largo plazo, podría servir como alternativa a las monedas fiduciarias tradicionales y a los bancos centrales.

Creación de un Entorno Propicio para Bitcoin

Además de integrar Bitcoin en las reservas nacionales, Alden aboga por la creación de políticas favorables que incentiven el uso de BTC en la economía diaria. Esto podría incluir la eliminación de impuestos sobre las pequeñas transacciones realizadas con la criptomoneda, facilitando así su aceptación como medio de intercambio o incluso como moneda de curso legal.

Desafíos y Oportunidades para el Estándar Bitcoin

Aunque Alden reconoce que la adopción global de Bitcoin como un activo de reserva universal todavía es un objetivo lejano, subraya la importancia de avanzar de manera gradual. Según la analista, a medida que el mercado de criptomonedas se expanda y se desarrolle más infraestructura tecnológica alrededor de Bitcoin, las posibilidades de que este sustituya a los bancos centrales aumentarán significativamente.

La Crisis de Deuda de EE. UU. como Catalizador

La deuda creciente de Estados Unidos y sus implicaciones financieras están acelerando el interés en Bitcoin, tanto a nivel institucional como gubernamental. Alden destaca que, en medio de las dificultades fiscales del país, activos como Bitcoin están ganando terreno por su liquidez y por la confianza que generan frente a la erosión del valor del dólar.

Apoyo Creciente entre Figuras Influyentes

Lyn Alden no es la única que ve en la crisis de deuda de EE. UU. un impulsor para la adopción de Bitcoin. Otros influyentes como Jack Mallers, Ray Dalio y Mike Novogratz también han señalado que las preocupaciones sobre la inflación y la pérdida de confianza en el dólar están llevando a más personas a considerar a Bitcoin como una alternativa viable.

En un giro adicional, Donald Trump, candidato presidencial y antiguo crítico de Bitcoin, ha manifestado recientemente su apoyo a la criptomoneda, prometiendo que, de llegar a la presidencia, incluirá Bitcoin en las reservas del país. Si esto se concretara, Estados Unidos podría seguir los pasos de El Salvador y convertirse en uno de los primeros grandes países en adoptar el estándar Bitcoin, lo que podría desencadenar un efecto dominó en otras naciones.


A medida que las economías globales enfrentan crecientes desafíos, la propuesta de Lyn Alden ofrece un camino innovador para aquellos países que buscan alternativas descentralizadas y apolíticas a los sistemas financieros tradicionales. Con un enfoque gradual y políticas de apoyo, el estándar Bitcoin podría convertirse en una realidad para más naciones en el futuro próximo.

IceRiver launches new AL0 miner for Alephium, what about KS0 for Kaspa?

The renowned brand Ice River is proud to announce the launch of its latest product, the AL0. This new device is an adapted version of their successful KS0 model, designed specifically for the mining of Alephium (ALPH). The AL0 promises to revolutionise cryptocurrency mining with its impressive capabilities and efficiency.

AL0 miner characteristics

The AL0 retains the same technical specifications as the AL0. KS0The power consumption is 100W, with a mining power of 400 GH/s. However, its Alephium-optimised design allows it to generate significantly higher revenues. With a daily mining capacity of approximately $22 in Alephium, the AL0 can generate up to $600 per month, compared to the $1.20 per day or $35 per month that the KS0 generates mining KaspaThe same amount of energy is consumed and the same Gigahertz power is delivered.

What is Alephium (ALPH)?

Alephium is a fully functioning layer one blockchain with sharding, designed to address the scalability, accessibility and security challenges faced by today's blockchains. It is an ideal platform for both developers looking to build scalable decentralised applications (DApps) and individuals interested in decentralisation and security.

Alephium's innovative technologies

  • ScalabilityBlockFlow: Uses the BlockFlow fragmentation algorithm to improve scalability, allowing parallel transactions and achieving around 10,000 transactions per second.
  • Energy efficiencyProof-of-Less-Work (PoLW) consensus mechanism that adjusts the mining difficulty in real time, significantly reducing energy consumption compared to other Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithms.
  • Programmability and securityAlephium improves the security and efficiency of transactions by applying the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) model.
  • Virtual machine and programming languageIt has its own virtual machine and a programming language optimised for smart contracts, providing superior security and performance.

More about the Alephium project

Alephium is designed to solve some of the most pressing problems of traditional blockchains, such as scalability and security. The blockchain uses an innovative model that combines UTXO with sharding, enabling efficient and fast transaction processing. This structure facilitates the creation of decentralised applications and smart contracts that are both scalable and secure.

Proof-of-Less-Work (PoLW) is a significant advancement in the field of cryptocurrency mining, as it adjusts the mining difficulty based on real-time network conditions, resulting in much lower power consumption without sacrificing security or performance. This makes Alephium an attractive option not only for DApp developers but also for miners looking for a more sustainable and efficient solution.

Alephium also stands out for its commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability. The use of PoLW and the sharding structure make Alephium more efficient than many other blockchains that rely on traditional Proof-of-Work. In addition, the combination of UTXO with sharding allows Alephium to handle a high volume of transactions efficiently, ensuring both speed and security of transactions.

With these innovative features, Alephium provides a blockchain platform that is not only scalable and secure, but also energy efficient, opening up new possibilities for the development of robust and reliable decentralised applications.

The Antminer DR7 adventure: a risky gamble or a golden opportunity?

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency mining, Bitmainthe renowned technology company, has launched a new miner on the market. ASICthe Antminer DR7. This miner, designed to extract the cryptocurrency SC Primehas generated a lot of excitement among mining enthusiasts. However, before embarking on this adventure, it is crucial to take an in-depth look at the features, risks and potential benefits offered by the Antminer DR7.

A change of direction: SC Prime and its new algorithm

A key defining aspect of the Antminer DR7 is its focus on mining SC Prime, a cryptocurrency that has undergone a recent change in its mining algorithm from Blake2b to Blake256 R14. This modification has generated some confusion among potential buyers, as the miner was initially associated with mining Siacoin (SC). It is important to note that this information is erroneous and the Antminer DR7 is not designed to mine SC.

Risk and speculation: Is it worth the gamble?

The SC Prime market, while showing growth potential, is still relatively small and liquidity is limited. This means that selling mined cryptocurrencies could be complex and their value could fluctuate significantly.

Uncertain returns: A difficult calculation

The profitability of Antminer DR7 is a complex aspect to determine accurately. The recent change in the mining algorithm, coupled with the lack of historical data and market volatility, make it difficult to make accurate calculations of long-term profitability.

Attractive price, but with caution

The starting price of the Antminer DR7, is €2200. While this figure may seem attractive, it is crucial to remember that this is a significant initial investment. It is essential to carefully assess the risks and potential returns before making such an investment.

Potential opportunities for the Antminer DR7

Despite the above risks, the Antminer DR7 also presents some potential opportunities:

  • Potential growth of SC Prime: If the SC Prime ecosystem experiences significant growth in the future, mining demand could increase, which could benefit Antminer DR7 owners.
  • Low initial competence: As a relatively new miner specialising in a specific algorithm, the Antminer DR7 may face less initial competition compared to other ASIC miners.
  • Possibility of revaluation: If the value of SC Prime increases significantly in the future, the value of the Antminer DR7 could also increase, even if its mining profitability decreases.